Artificial Intelligence of Chemical Engineering

Artificial Intelligence of Chemical Engineering


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AI of Chemical Engineering The fast development of computational architecture and soft engineering for the Artificial Intelligent (AI) algorithm dramatically innovates the conventional chemical engineering areas. AI-based machine learning and deep-learning approaches enable solving of highly non-linear chemical problems and capturing the key descriptors of underlying mechanisms. Combined with big data generation using IoT and supercomputer-based first-principles calculations, the advance in AI-based techniques guide the future development in many research areas including materials, genome, hydrogen, solar energy system, big-data analysis for chemical reactions and toxic chemical control, smart manufacturing, and so on.​​​​​​​



Faculty Hompage Research Lab
Il Moon Process Systems Engineering Lab
Byungchan Han High-throughput Ab-initio Nanomaterials Simulations (HANS) Lab
Youn-Sang Bae Nanoporous Technology Lab
Chang-Ha Lee Separation and Purification Lab
Junghwan Kim Process Intelligence Design Lab
Yong Min Lee Digital Twin Battery Lab
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