Electronic Materials & Devices

Electronic Materials & Devices



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Electronic Materials & Devices Electronics have emerged as an essential in our modern society. Every other day, demands for high-performing, highly integrated and sustainable technologies are increasing.  We explore new materials and processing techniques to further innovate the rapidly growing industry of electronics and find new areas of application. Our research of electronic materials & devices expands to the development of functional materials to appliance to conventional devices such as microprocessors, sensors, displays, and photo-electronics and newly emerging devices such as wearable devices for health care and neuromorphic devices for artificial intelligence.
This research area covers the analysis and development of chemicals, processing, and application to electronic devices.

Materials research includes functional polymers to low dimensional materials such as graphene and quantum dots. Research to enhance the current processing techniques of semiconductor devices and the search for post-silicon era technologies are also of great interest. Next-generation electronic devices including perovskite solar cells, OLED, QD-LED, wearable electronics, and neuromorphic devices are constantly being developed.





Faculty Hompage Research Lab
Jong Hyeok Park https://sites.google.com/view/econsto Energy Conversion & Storage Lab
Du Yeol Ryu https://ptfl.yonsei.ac.kr Polymer Thin Film & Analysis Lab
Kangtaek Lee http://colloid.yonsei.ac.kr Nanocolloids Lab
Sangwoo Lim https://sites.google.com/yonsei.ac.kr/ndl/ Nano Device Lab
Jeong Ho Cho https://jhcho9400.wixsite.com/seplab Smart Electronic Device and Process Lab
Youngmin You http://youlab.yonsei.ac.kr/ Molecular Photonics Lab
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